You're my boy, Blue.
Also -
100th POST!!!
On this auspicious occasion, let's got back to my roots and remember from whence the Blog o' Lizzie Musar came.
The year was 2004, and I looked like this:

I lived with my friends on a college campus seemingly built for impromptu picnics and finding your niche.
Exactly three years ago, this picture was taken:

(To preserve the Google identity of my friend in drag, I won't name names, but I will say, he made a fantastic Blair from Facts of Life.)
I was writing papers like crazy:
- By the People: Low Voter Turn Out and the Nature of Democracy in America
- Conscious of a Sinning Nation: The Changing Interpretation of Abolitionism since 1885
- More Than Victims: Women, Children, and a Feminist Interpretation of Trafficking in Persons Law
I invested a fair amount of time in crafting perfect away messages.
The future was only theoretical and rent was a myth.
An affordable dinner meant a can of tuna fish and half a sleeve of crackers.
Bad choices were occasionally worn as a badge of honor, and Mary Prankster was a battle cry.
Like a second-act teenager, I was trying my hardest to figure out adolescent skirmishes in a feigned adult world.
I still had 6 months before real life kicked in, and I couldn't wait. Looking back, this was dumb. D-U-M-B.
It was a damn good life.